8x various module shaper cutters, 3.5 mod / 20deg,...
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8x various module shaper cutters, 3.5 mod / 20deg, 3 1/4 mod / 14.5deg, 3 mod / 20deg ex boss, 2.5 mod / 20deg, 2 3/4 mod / 14.5 & 20deg, 2 1/4 mod / 14.5 & 20deg
Auction - Goodrick Gear Company Ltd
Pfauter RS2 universal gear hobber, unused tangental head, 700mm dia table with change gears, arbors, chuck etc, s/n 17863
Pfauter RS2 flycutting gear hobber, tangential head, index 12/n, 700mm dia table with change gears, tool arbors etc, s/n 10438
Pfauter RS9 horizontal gear hobber (spurs / splines), index 6/n, 1200mm max length, 104mm dia headbore, M-DRO with change gears, collets, chuck, arbors, etc, s/n 9544
Pfauter P250V auto gear hobber, digital readout with change gears, arbours etc, s/n 17983
Dowding & Doll model V8 universal gear hobber, tangential & universal heads with change gears, arbors etc, s/n 217
Hamai (Mikron copy) H-102C gear hobber with change gears, arbors, collets etc
Drummond Maxicut No 3A gear shaper, 3” riser block with change gears, arbors & face plate
Fellows 7125A gear shaper with change gears & arbors
Pratt & Whitney 4.5x12” thread miller with cutters, change gears & indexing plates
Hey 10” tooth rounding & chamfering machine with change gears, cams etc
Tiplap flycutting tool grinder with various holders, s/n TLD89
Goulder lead checker
Parkson gear tester, s/n 1917
Qty gear tooling inc: various Sunderland cutters & cutter grinding attachment, DP cutters, modual, circular pitch, sprocket cutters, stub tooth cutters, spline hobbs, serration hobbs etc.
Colchester Triumph 2000 gap bed lathe, 9” CH x 30” b.c., 25-2000rpm, 4 jaw chuck, Anilam Wizard 450L DRO, s/n 6/0002/13749
Rothley 7” slotter, BC10 DRO, 15” dia rotary table with dividing plates, straight & taper slots, chucks, jaws etc
Chester 40 LUX Mill-Pedestal single spindle milling / drilling machine, 95-1970rpm, 22x9” RF table, s/n 806004
Churchill ring grinder, 1475rpm, 15” dia rotary table
Klaiber tool & cutter grinder with equipment
Black & Decker DE grinder, Elliot rotary table, Victoria 16” bench centres
Small tooling inc: machine vices, collets, mandrels, drills, reamers, taps & dies, slotting tools etc.
Inspection equipment inc: 3x precision measuring pin sets, micrometers, plug gauges, vernier calipers, height gauges etc.
Valley Industries model GP2002 20 ton garage press, adjustable height (2006)
Harvey Frost 250kg swl hydraulic mobile lifter
Various tufnol sheets, stocks, materials etc etc.