Monitoring system including - Prism cabinet with D...
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Monitoring system including - Prism cabinet with Dynoptic Systems DSL500 particulate monitor, ADC MGA300 Series multi gas analyser, chart recorder etc (circa 2010)
Auction - Biomass Industry Incinerators
Equipment used in the Biomass industry (circa 2010) – powered for self test only.
2x HS Thermal model HS475 incinerators, 2400kW thermal output capacity, 475kg/hr capacity, gas oil auxiliary fuel, HS Thermal controls with Eurotherm & Honeywell temp controllers, 5x Riello RL50 primary burners, afterburner & underhearth burner, 593kW, extraction / ducting etc
Shared system including - Prism cabinet with Dynoptic Systems DSL500 particulate monitor, ADC MGA300 Series multi gas analyser, chart recorder etc