Durafak APMG Ltd fibre glass coated acid fume scru...
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Durafak APMG Ltd fibre glass coated acid fume scrubber with water sensor, 37kW motor, s/n 21707
Auction - Caparo Wire Ltd
Wire Drawing
Machine 21
Euro Draw 7 block wire drawing machine, TD100 control, Euro Draw Rotodie / coiler, 5.5mm inlet to 2.18-2.5mm outlet, twin pay off pole with equipment, s/n MTS610/7 (circa 1994) (spares or repair)
Machine 22
Euro Draw MTS610/9 9 block wire drawing machine, TD100 control, Euro Draw Rotodie / coiler, 5.5mm inlet to 1.3-2.0mm outlet, twin pay off pole with equipment, s/n K-193SX (1994)
Machine 23
Euro Draw MTS610/4 4 block wire drawing machine, TD100 control, Euro Draw Rotodie / coiler, 8.0mm inlet to 3.0-5.0mm outlet, twin pay off pole with equipment (1994)
Machine 24
Euro Draw MTS-610-8SX 8 block wire drawing machine, Euro Draw Rotodie / coiler, 5.5mm inlet to 1.75-2.5mm outlet, twin pay off pole with equipment, s/n K-109 (1994)
Machine 25
MRB Schumag 660 Pacemaker 8 block wire drawing machine, TD100 control, MRB 22/32RHD Rotodie / coiler, 5.5mm inlet to 1.75-2.5mm outlet, 300kW, twin pay off pole with equipment, s/n M963894 (1996)
Machine 26
MRB 10 block wire drawing machine, MRB Rotodie / coiler, 5.5mm inlet to 1.2-1.3mm outlet, twin pay off pole with equipment, s/n M903531 (circa 1990) (New Mitsubishi PLC installed 05/2015)
Machine 27
MRB Schumag 660/610 Pacemaker 9 block wire drawing machine, TD100 control, MRB 22/32RHD Rotodie / coiler, 5.5mm inlet to 1.3-2.0mm outlet, 345kW, twin pay off pole with equipment, s/n M963891 (1996)
Machine 28
Hi Draw 8 block wire drawing machine, Hi Draw Rotodie / coiler, 5.5mm inlet to 1.75-2.5mm outlet, twin pay off pole with equipment, s/n M02272 (circa 1988)
Cleaning / Treatment
Cleaning line complete with: 4x acid tanks, 1x rinse tank, 1x zinc phosphate tank, 1x coppering tank, 1x lime tank, 1x flash baker (dryer), 9x cleaning hooks, 3300mm approx wide polypropylene cladded tanks
Effluent Treatment Plant complete with: 1x neutralisation tank, 1x pump tank, 1x sludge settlement tank, 1x consolidation tank, 1x rotary vac filter, 1x trim tank, 1x V notch discharge unit, lime storage / mixing tanks etc
2x Allibert Helix thick wall high density polypropylene tanks, 9400 & 8400 gallon capacity
Thick wall high density polypropylene tank, 23,000ltr capacity
2x thick wall high density polypropylene tanks, 2.5m dia x 4.5m high approx
Durafak APMG Ltd fibre glass coated acid fume scrubber with water sensor, 37kW motor, s/n 21707
Envirotec 600 Series lubricant re-processing machine with overhead gantry & Stahl 125kg SWL electric chain hoist, pendant control, 5329hrs
Factory Plant / Miscellaneous
Demag 3.2t twin girder overhead crane, 30m approx span, pendant control, s/n 7241 (1994)
EcoAir A40 rotary packaged compressor, 34.5kW input power, 2945rpm, 8 bar, 36309 load hours (2001)
CompAir Broomwade 6030 rotary packaged compressor, 30HP, 28kW, 7 bar, 41544 load hours, s/n F0760244
Domnick Hunter HI-ROSS Pole Star PGN110 dryer, 12 bar max pressure, 0.7HP (2006)
Atlas Tanks 2500ltr bunded oil tank
Amsler AC-8500A tensile tester, s/n 1033/10
DMG T42U tensile tester, 5.5kN capacity (1996) (spares or repair)